
[SOLVED] CSIS 212 PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT 7 RECTANGLE CLASS: Exercise 8.4 JHTP (Rectangle Class): Create a class Rectangle with attributes length and width, each of which defaults to 1. Provide methods that…


[SOLVED] CSIS 212 PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT 6 DATE CLASS: Exercise 7.13 JHTP (Date Class): Create a class called Date that includes 3 instance variables—a month (type int), a day (type int),…


[SOLVED] CSIS 212 PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT 5 VARIABLE-LENGTH ARGUMENT LIST DICE ROLLING: Exercise 6.14 JHTP: (Variable-Length Argument List) Write an application that calculates the product of a series of integers that are…


[SOLVED] CSIS 212 PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT 4 MULTIPLES CIRCLE AREA COMPUTER-ASSISTED INSTRUCTION: Exercise 5.16 JHTP (Multiples) Write a method isMultiple that determines, for a pair of integers, whether the second integer is…


[SOLVED] CSIS 212 PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT 3 BAR CHART PRINTING PROGRAM: Exercise 4.12: Write an application that calculates the product of the odd integers from 1 to 15.


[SOLVED] CSIS 212 PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT 2 SALARY CALCULATOR: Exercise 3.20 JHTP (Salary Calculator): Develop a Java application that determines the gross pay for each of three (3) employees. The company…


[SOLVED] CSIS 212 PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT 1 CREATE FIVE PROGRAMS: Program 1 In this new age of Technology (Website, social media, etc., we have been given the opportunity to minister and…


[SOLVED] CSIS 310 MINDTAP STAR DUST STORIES: Star Dust Stories | Dr. Andrew Weiss of Thomas & Lee College maintains an astronomy page called Star Dust Stories. One of the tools of…


[SOLVED] CSIS 310 MINDTAP VOTER WEB: VoterWeb Pam Carls is a manager for the website Voter Web, which compiles voting totals and statistics from local and national elections. Pam has the…


[SOLVED] CSIS 310 MINDTAP SLATE & PENCIL TUTORING: Karen Cooke manages the website for Slate & Pencil Tutoring, an online tutoring service for high school and college students. Karen is…
