
[SOLVED] CYBR 260 WEEK 5 PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT REGISTRY: Write a program that takes a value from a user and stores it in the registry. You can use any key name…


[SOLVED] CSIS 212 PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT 6 DATE CLASS: Exercise 7.13 JHTP (Date Class): Create a class called Date that includes 3 instance variables—a month (type int), a day (type int),…


[SOLVED] PRG 421 WEEK 4 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT JAVA DATA BASE CONNECTIVITY: Write a Java program (non-GUI preferred) to demonstrate the use of JDBC. The program should allow a user to do…


[SOLVED] CSIS 312 ASSIGNMENT 8 SECURERANDOM: Write a program that inserts 25 random numbers from 0 to 99 (using SecureRandom) inclusive into a linked-list object in sorted order and then…


[SOLVED] CYBR 260 WEEK 4 PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT MASTER BOOT RECORD PART 2: This week, you are going to build on the program from last week. Use the same file from…


[SOLVED] CSIS 212 PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT 5 VARIABLE-LENGTH ARGUMENT LIST DICE ROLLING: Exercise 6.14 JHTP: (Variable-Length Argument List) Write an application that calculates the product of a series of integers that are…


[SOLVED] DBM438 LAB 7 CREATING AND MANAGING DATABASE BACKUPS: I. OBJECTIVES Take a look at the process of creating and managing database backups and how these backups are used in…


[Solved] CSIS 111 Module Week 8 ASSIGNMENT BATTLE SHIP GAMEImagine you are using a two-dimensional array as the basis for creating the game battle- ship. In the game of battleship…


[SOLVED] CSIS 312 ASSIGNMENT 5 LINKEDLIST OBJECT: Write a program that inserts 25 random integers from 0 to 100 in order into Java’s LinkedList object (you must use Java’s LinkedList…


CIS 273 Lab Assignment 10 Techincal Project Business Website This assignment consists of three (3) sections: a narrative, a storyboard, and a business Website. You must submit all three (3)…
