
CMIS 102 Introduction to Problem Solving and Algorithm Design

Course Description
A study of techniques for finding solutions to problems through structured programming and step-wise refinement. The objective is to design programs using pseudocode and participate in hands-on debugging, testing, and documenting activities. Topics include principles of programming, the logic of constructing a computer program, and the practical aspects of integrating program modules into a cohesive application. Algorithms are used to demonstrate programming as an approach to problem solving. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: CMIS 102, CMIS 102A, or CMSC 101.

CMIS 102 Final Project Body Mass Index
CMIS 102 Final Project Body Mass Index
CMIS 102 Assignment 6 Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit
CMIS 102 Assignment 5 Secure Password
CMIS 102 Assignment 4 Compute Average quiz Grade
CMIS 102 Assignment 3 Compute Cost of Carpeting a Room
CMIS 102 Assignment 2 Compute Theater Ticket Price
CMIS 102 Assignment 1 Salesman Weekly Pay
CMIS 102 Week 8 Hands-On Lab
CMIS 102 Week 7 Hands-On Lab
CMIS 102 Week 6 Hands-On Lab
CMIS 102 Week 5 Hands-On Lab
CMIS 102 Week 4 Hands-On Lab
CMIS 102 Week 3 Hands-On Lab
CMIS 102 Week 2 Hands-On Lab
CMIS 102 Week 1 Hands-On Lab


CMIS 102 Assignment 1 Salesman Weekly Pay, CMIS 102 Assignment 2 Compute Theater Ticket Price, CMIS 102 Assignment 3 Compute Cost of Carpeting a Room, CMIS 102 Assignment 4 Compute…


[NEW SOLN] CMIS 102 ASSIGNMENT 2 COMPUTE THEATER TICKET PRICE: The second assignment involves writing a Python program to compute the price of a theater ticket. Your program should prompt…


CMIS 102 ASSIGNMENT 3 COMPUTE COST OF CARPETING A ROOM:The third assignment involves writing a Python program to compute the cost of carpeting a room. Your program should prompt the…


The fifth assignment involves writing a Python program to determine whether a password meets all the requirements for a secure password. Your program should prompt the user for the candidate…


CMIS 102 ASSIGNMENT 6 CONVERTING CELSIUS TO FAHRENHEIT: The sixth assignment involves writing a Python program to read in the temperatures, as user input, for ten consecutive days in Celsius…


The final project involves writing a Python program to determine the body-mass index of a collection of six individuals. Your program should include a list of six names. Using a for loop,…
