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[SOLVED] ITCO221 UNIT 4 GRAPHICAL CALCULATOR: You have been engaged to develop a graphical calculator. Specific requirements are as follows: Create a graphical calculator with buttons that can add, subtract,…
[SOLVED] ECET 370 WEEK 2 LAB SIMPLE LINKEDLIST CLASS: Exercise 1: Review of Linked Lists Create a project using the classes in “A Simple LinkedList Class. (Links to an external site.)…
[SOLVED] DBM438 LAB 5 OPTIMIZE QUERIES IN MYSQL AND ANALYZING THE DATABASE: I. OBJECTIVES Take a look at various ways to optimize queries in MySQL and various ways that the…
[SOLVED] DBM438 LAB 6 CREATING AND MANAGING USERS IN THE DATABASE: I. OBJECTIVES Take a look at the process of creating and managing users in the database, as well as…
[SOLVED] DBM438 LAB 7 CREATING AND MANAGING DATABASE BACKUPS: I. OBJECTIVES Take a look at the process of creating and managing database backups and how these backups are used in…
[SOLVED] DBM405A LAB 2 BASEBALL DATABASE COUNT ORDERBY AND WHERE CLAUSE: I. OBJECTIVES Get access to a MySQL environment. Familiarize yourself with the environment.
[SOLVED] DBM405A LAB 3 BASEBALL DATABASE AND SEASON TABLE: I. OBJECTIVES Understand and become familiar with Table Manipulation. II. PARTS LIST EDUPE Omnymbus Environment (https://devry.edupe.net:8300); and/or MySQL (dev.mysql.com/downloads).
[SOLVED] DBM405A LAB 4 NEXTSEASON SEASON TABLES INDEXES AND REPORT I. OBJECTIVES Understand and become familiar with Tables and Indexes. II. PARTS LIST EDUPE Omnymbus Environment (https://devry.edupe.net:8300); and/or MySQL (dev.mysql.com/downloads).…