Choose which distribution to install. Several versions of MySQL are available, and most are available in several distribution formats. We choose a production (stable) release: MySQL 5.6: Latest General Availability (Production) release
How to Install, Configure, and Verify a MySQL Workbench on Windows 7. To start, go to the MySQL Official site: www.mySQL.com
Select Downloads tab on the top;
Scroll down and under MySQL Community Edition select Community (GPL) Downloads;
Choose MySQL on Windows (Installer & Tools) and click ‘DOWNLOAD’ (Current Generally Available Release 5.6.21 or higher) – Select MySQL Installer which provides wizard for installation. – Scroll down to select platform:Select Platform: Microsoft Windows Windows (x86, 32-bit), MSI Installer, click Download button
The Begin Your Download window come up,
Bypass Begin Your Download form, on the bottom of the page, choose No thank you, just take me to the downloads,
Appears Panel with Do you want to run or save mysql-installer-web-community-5.6.22.msi from cdn.mysql.com? Choose Run.
Message Do you want to allow the following program to install software on this computer? Answer Yes.
Accept License Agreement, click Next.
Window Choosing a Setup Type. – Check Full radio button to install all included MySQL products and features; click Next.[SOLVED] MIS561 LAB 1 INSTALLING MYSQL COMMUNITY SERVER AND MYSQL WORKBENCH:
Window Check Requirements – follow instructions on the window. Click Next.
Click Execute to start downloading process. Installer shows the status of installation (upgrade) for each product. Click Next.
Product Configuration screen appears and shows products to be installed using Wizard. Click Next.
Type and Networking screen appears – Click Next;
Accounts & Roles screen – to set up MySQL password. Type password and note it. Click Next.
Windows Services screen – choose Standard System account; Click Next.
Apply Server configuration screen – click Execute.
After processing, press Finish.
Product Configuration screen – Click Next.
Connect to Server screen – click Check.
Message connection successful.
Click Next.
Screen Apply server configuration – Click Execute.
Installer shows progress.
When complete, click Finish.
Product Configuration screen – Click Next.
Installation complete message will notify about installation completion.
Click Finish.
[SOLVED] MIS561 LAB 1 INSTALLING MYSQL COMMUNITY SERVER AND MYSQL WORKBENCH: Part 2: Installing MySQL Server To start, go to the MySQL official site: www.mySQL.com
Select Downloads option; Under MySQL community edition, select MySQL Community Server; click DOWNLOAD;
Select Platform: Microsoft Windows
Choose Other downloads: Windows 32-bit or 64-bit and press Download. To verify your OS parameters, go to Start, Control panel, System and Security, System will show the System type;
The Registration window comes up, click register. As soon as you are registered, you will be able to log in.
Bypass form. On the bottom of the page, choose No thank you, just take me to the downloads.
Select the nearest location (example: North America’ option, Hurricane Electric, choose ‘HTTP’ option there), Save a file;
Close the download window;
Close your browser;
Once the download is complete, you will see a new icon on Desktop – MySQL Installer;
Click on a new icon on Desktop – MySQL Installer;
Run it;
Installation Wizard comes up. Click Next;
On a Please select a set-up type, choose Custom and click Next;
On new screen, choose how the feature will be installed – show the directory: on the C: drive and under the webdev directory, create new folder mysql and click OK. C:\webdev\mysql\
Click Next. Hit Install – installation starts, Status bar shows the progress;
MySQL provides an additional information available for fee, click Next;
On screen Wizard completed, uncheck Register MySQL server now and check Configure MySQL server now;
Select Finish;
If you are asked about the permission to install program, click Yes;
On the MySQL Server Instance Configuration Wizard, click Next;
Please select a configuration type Detailed configuration and click Next;
On the next page, uncheck the Developer machine and choose Server machine. Click Next;
For the database usage, choose Multifunctional Database. Click Next;
For the InnoDB datafile, choose C: drive. Click Next;
For the concurrent connections to the server (how many users may work simultaneously to MySQL server), choose default Decision Support (DSS)/OLAP for 20 users;
For the Networking option, check Enable TCP/IP Networking with default port 3306; also leave checked Enable Strict Mode. Click Next;
For the default character set, choose Standard Character set; hit Next;
For the Windows option, check Install as a Windows server; it will start MySQL server when computer is up;
Also, select Include the Directory to Windows PATH. So we can work from command path; click Next;
To select security options, create password, click Next;
Execute your configurations;
When complete, click Finish.
[SOLVED] MIS561 LAB 1 INSTALLING MYSQL COMMUNITY SERVER AND MYSQL WORKBENCH: Deliverables Your assignment will be graded based on the following:
Step Description
Step 1
Install MYSQL Installer
Step 2
Install MySQL Workbench
Step 3
Install MySQL Community Server
Total Lab Points
Steps 1, 2, and 3 will have you create a single Word document for this week’s iLab. Include the screenshots of the beginning and the last steps of installation. Add your feedback (issues, questions, errors) for the installations. Please be sure to label your document and include your name and course number in the heading. Save your document as yourname_iLab_1.docx.
[SOLVED] MIS561 LAB 2 WORK WITH DICTIONARY AND CREATE RELATIONAL DATABASE: In this lab, you will prepare a Data Dictionary based on the list of elements. Also, your task will be determined the tables, their relationships, primary and foreign keys. Based on this analysis, you will create Database Schema, relational tables, Entity –Relational Diagram (ERD), establish connection to your local MySQL Server, create physical database and insert data to the tables.
[SOLVED] MIS561 LAB 3 USERS PRIVILEGES AND ROLES: MySQL, like many other databases, uses the combination of specific user definitions, privileges, and roles to control access to the data in the database. In turn, it provides various layers of security. When the database is first created, there are several users created for the purpose of not only installing various components of the database, but also to manage and administer the database functionality.
[SOLVED] MIS561 LAB 4 USING BACKUPS FOR COMPLETE RECOVERY: Successful database recovery relies on the database being backed. This is what enables the database to recover data that were lost due to a media failure, loss of power, or any other type of disaster. Each time the online line redoes logs filled up in a log group, the DBMS issues a log switch that will move the log writer process from the current redo log group to the next one in line.