CISS350A Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures
CISS350 Entire Course includes:
- CISS 350 Programming Assignment 1 Checkout System,
- CISS 350 Programming Assignment 2 Computer Dating Service,
- CISS 350 Programming Assignment 3 Local Medical Clinic,
- CISS 350 Programming Assignment 4 Circular Linked List,
- CISS 350 Programming Assignment 5 Towers of Hanoi,
- CISS 350 Programming Assignment 6 Police Department,
- CISS 350 Programming Assignment 7 Compare Two Implementations of a Priority Queue,
CISS 350 Programming Assignment 7 Compare Two Implementations of a Priority Queue
Programming Assignment 7
Your assignment is to write and compare two implementations of a priority queue whose highest priority element is the one with the smallest key value. The elements have the following declarations:
- The first implementation uses a minimum heap. You need to modify the heap operations to keep the minimum, rather than maximum, element in the root. The comparison function should compare key fields.
- The second implementation uses a linear linked list, whose elements are ordered by key value.
Test Data
Create a data set that contains 50 items with priorities generated by a random-number generator.
Comparing the Implementations
To compare the operations, you must modify the Enqueue and Dequeue operations to count how many elements are accessed (compared or swapped, in the case of reheaping) during its execution.
Write a driver to Enqueue and Dequeue the 50 test items and print out the number of elements accessed for the Enqueue and Dequeue operations. Run your driver once with each implementation.
- A listing of specification and implementation files for both priority queue implementations
- A listing of your driver
- A listing of your test data
- A listing of the output from both runs
- A report comparing the number of elements accessed in executing each operation.
CISS 350 Programming Assignment 6 Police Department
Programming Assignment 6
Write a program for a police department that has collected a database of information on various suspects for a given crime. (Luckily for you, the department is only investigating one crime at a time.) Each suspect has a set of attributes, such as shifty eyes, a limp, or a parrot on his shoulder. The maximum number of such attributes for any suspect is not known. Your program accepts commands to manipulate the database in order to narrow down the list of suspects, in the hope of pinpointing the villain.
- The retained criminal information, generated by the previous execution of this program, is input from file “” at the beginning of each execution of the program.
- The user inputs commands from the keyboard, in the format shown below. Names and attributes are strings of no more than 20 characters. The program should not be case sensitive (e.g., ‘JOE’ and ‘Joe’ are the same name). To simplify the processing, you can assume that names are unique; that is, no two criminals use the same professional handle. The commands are discussed in detail in the Command Processing instructions below.
- Responses to user commands are to be written to the screen, as described in the Command Processing instructions below.
- Echo print each command and show the results of any PRINT commands in a file called “Criminal.trn”. You may determine the format of the information in this file; it should be labeled and formatted clearly. A hard copy of this file is turned in with your program for grading.
- If any new suspects were added (see ADD command), file “” must be rewritten to contain the updated collection of criminal information.
Command Processing
New suspects can be added to the collection of criminal information using the ADD command. An inquiry consists of a set of commands with respect to a single crime, at the end of which the crime is assumed to be solved. An inquiry must be completed within the execution of the program; it cannot be “saved” to finish on a subsequent execution. After an inquiry is complete, a new inquiry (the investigation of another crime) can begin. Each new inquiry starts over with the entire collection of suspects.
Sample Input
(Some of the labels shown in the sample input are not typed in by the user, but are only printed for clarity. For this example, the “” file is empty and all the potential suspects are added by command.)
Data Structures
- There is no upper bound to the number of suspects or number of attributes for a given suspect. You cannot use an array-based list to store the suspects or the attributes for a given suspect.
- The CHECK operation must be very efficient, because suspects are continually being pulled off the street for questioning and we must decide whether to let them go or ruthlessly interrogate them. Using a simple linked list to store the suspects is not sufficient. You must use a binary search tree. Suspects must be actually deleted from the structure when they are eliminated by TIP information. Because you destroy the list of suspects, as suspects are eliminated by TIP information, each inquiry should work on a copy of the original tree.
- TIP is executed much less often than CHECK and hence can be less efficient. It is acceptable if processing a TIP command requires searching the whole data structure of (active) suspects. Thus, a list of attributes can be stored with each suspect. You do not have to link all the suspects with the same attributes together. (This could potentially make for a much faster TIP operation.) You may do this if you want, but it complicates things.
- Your design and CRC cards for any classes
- A listing of any test driver necessary to check classes
- A listing of the test plan for any class as input to the driver
- A listing of the source code
- A listing of the test plan as input to the program
- A listing of the output from the test run
CISS 350 Programming Assignment 5 Towers of Hanoi
Programming Assignment 5
Towers of Hanoi:
A toy that many children play with is a base with three pegs and five disks of different diameters. The disks begin on one peg, with the largest disk on the bottom and the other four disks added on in order of size. The idea is to move the disks from the peg they are on to another peg by moving only one disk at a time and without ever putting a larger disk on top of a smaller one. This child’s toy is actually an example of a classic mathematical puzzle.
Write a recursive solution to this problem. It may take you a while to see the solution, but the program itself is quite short.
The program should prompt for and input the number of pegs.
The series of moves should be written to the screen, properly labeled.
- A listing of your program.
- A listing of your test plan as input to the program.
- A listing of the output file.
CISS 350 Programming Assignment 4 Circular Linked List
Programming Assignment 4
Implement the following specification of UnsortedType using a circular linked list as the implementation structure.
- A listing of the specification and implementation files for UnsortedType
- A listing of the driver program for your test plan
- A listing of the test plan as input to the driver.
- A listing of the output from the driver.
CISS 350 Programming Assignment 3 Local Medical Clinic
Programming Assignment 3
The local medical clinic has decided to automate its scheduling services. You have been assigned to design the initial version of the schedules. The basic functions that the clinic has in mind are doctor check-in and check-out and patient check-in and check-out.
A doctor checks in by telling the scheduler his or her name, an examination room number, and a medical specialty code. Each doctor has a favorite room. The scheduler checks to see whether the room is free. If so, it assigns this doctor to the room; if not, it rejects the request with a message, and the doctor can try again to check in. When a doctor checks out, the examination room is freed.
A patient checking in gives a name, age, specialist code, and emergency indication. The scheduler tries to match up the patient with a doctor according to a set of rules that are described here. If there is a match, the patient is seen by the assigned doctor. If this doctor is currently seeing a patient, the new patient is queued to see the doctor.
The rules for assigning doctors to patients are as follows:
- Any patient under age 16 is assigned to see a pediatrician.
- Patients age 16 and older are assigned a doctor according to the specialty requested. If there is no doctor in the clinic with the requested specialty, the patient is assigned to a general practitioner (GP). If there is no GP, the patient can be assigned to any doctor.
- If there is more than one doctor of the requested specialty, the patient is assigned to the doctor with the shortest waiting list. When a patient checks out, the doctor he or she was assigned to is available to see the next patient, if there is anyone in the waiting list.
Because this is an interactive system, your program should prompt the users to input the correct information.
The initial prompt is:
‘ Type D for Doctor or P for Patient:
‘ The next prompt is Type I for check-in or O for checkout: According to the request, your program should prompt the user for any other needed information, as indicated in the following table:
You may define the format for the input processed by your program.
The output for each request is in the form of messages to the user, according to the request, as indicated in the following table.
Details and Assumptions
- There are l 00 examination rooms at the clinic, each with a waiting room attached.
- Specialty codes are as follows:
Pediatrics PED
General practice GEN
Internal medicine INT
Cardiology CAR
Surgeon SUR
Obstetrics OBS
Psychiatry PSY
Neurology NEU
Orthopedics ORT
Dermatology DET
Ophthalmology OPT
Ear, Nose, and Throat ENT
- You may assume that no patient leaves without checking out. (That is, every doctor becomes free eventually.)
- No one leaves before he or she sees the assigned doctor. (That is, no one has to be taken out of the waiting queue.) The clinic is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- If a doctor checks out while there is still a waiting list of patients assigned to him or her, the patients must be reassigned to other doctors.
Data Structures
The basic data structure is a list of examination rooms with waiting lists attached to each. Because the number of rooms is fixed, you may use an array of records to represent it. It is the waiting list attached to each examination room that is of interest to us. We have seen that patients are seen in the order in which they are added to the list (a simple queue).
- Your design including CRC cards for each class
- A listing of your source program including all included files
- A listing of your test plan as input to the program
- A listing of your output from the test plan
CISS 350 Programming Assignment 2 Computer Dating Service
Programming Assignment 2
Your assignment is to write a program for a computer dating service. Each client gives you his or her name, phone number, and a list of interests. It is your job to maintain lists of men and women using the service and to match up the compatible couples. You will find more details about the assignment, including the inputs, outputs, and deliverables in the course environment.
Data about current clients should be on file “”. For each current client, the file contains the following information:
- Sex 1 character, ‘M’ or ‘F’
- Name up to 20 characters, followed by comma
- Phone Number 8 characters
- Number of Interests an integer
- List of Interests 10 characters each separated by commas w/ a period after the final interest. Match up to 20 characters, followed by end-of-line.
Command Processing
Echo print all screen input and output on file “Dates.out.
Data Structures
The problem requires you to maintain two lists of clients, one for men and one for women. When a new client is added to the list, he or she is added to the end of the appropriate list.
Each list element must include all the information for one client: name, phone number, number of interests (maximum number is 10), interests, and the name of this client’s current match (empty string if not matched). You must use one of the list classes developed in Chapter 3.
- Your design.
- A listing of your program.
- A listing of your test plan as input to the program.
- A listing of the output file.
CISS 350 Programming Assignment 1 Checkout System
Programming Assignment 1
You will write, run, and test a C++ program to simulate the operation of a grocery store checkout system. Your program should first build a data structure to contain information on all the products available in the store. Then the program should print the cash register receipt for each customer.
The input for this program has two sources: the inventory information is input from a text file, and the customer transactions are input from the keyboard.
- The information about each product carried by the store is listed on a single line in the inventory file “Invent.dat”, in the following format:
(product number) (description) (price) (tax)
where is a five-digit positive (nonzero) integer, is a string of at most 12 characters with no embedded blanks, is a real number, and is a character (‘T’ if the product is taxable; ‘N’ if it is not taxable). The data in the inventory file is ordered from smallest to largest product number.
- The customer transactions are input from the keyboard, in the following format:
(product number) (times)
where (product number) is as described above, and (times) is an integer in the range 1 to 100, indicating the quantity of this product desired. A zero input for (product number) indicates the end of the customer’s order. (The store will soon be using a scanner to input the product number, but for now it is typed in by the cashier.)
The program outputs should be written to a text file called “Receipts.out.”
- The inventory information is echo printed to the output file.
- The cash register receipt for each customer is written to the output file. The receipts should be nicely formatted, with the product description (not the product number), number of items, item price, and total price for each product printed on a single line. At the end of each customer’s order, the subtotal for all items, amount of tax on taxable items, and total bill should be printed, clearly labeled. (The tax rate is 7.5% for taxable items.)
- The program first reads in all of the inventory information from file “” echo printing the information to the output file.
- The program then prompts the cashier to begin inputting the order for the first customer.
- This customer’s order is processed, and the receipt is printed to the output file.
- After each customer’s order is processed, the program should ask the cashier if another customer is to be processed. If the answer is ‘Y’, the program sets up to process the next customer; if the answer is ‘N’, the program terminates with a friendly message.
Error Checking
The following input errors are possible and should be handled by an exception class:
- Duplicate in inventory file. Write an error message to the output file and skip the second entry.
- not in inventory file. Write an error message on the receipt, ignore that product number, and continue with the next item.
- not in the specified range. Write an error message to the output file, ignore that line, and continue with the next item.
From File “”:
11012 gallon-milk 1.99 N
11014 butter 2.59 N
11110 pie-shells 0.99 N
20115 laundry-soap 3.60 T
30005 homestyle-br 0.99 N
From keyboard (one customer):
11110 2
40012 3
20115 1
To “Receipts.out” file:
SEP 10, 1998 6:00 pm (* date and time optional *)
Customer 1
pie-shells 2 @ 0.99 1.98
*** item 40012 not in inventory ***
laundry-soap 1 @ 3.60 3.60 TX
Subtotal 5.58
Tax 0.27
Total 5.85
Data Structures
The inventory information can be stored in an array of product records. Assume that the maximum number of products is 50, for purposes of writing this program. You should specify this data structure as an ADT, as described in the chapter; define and implement a set of operations to encapsulate it. The ADT should be tested using a test driver.
- Your design (either object-oriented or top-down)
- A listing of the ADT
- A listing of the test driver for the ADT
- A listing of the test plan as input for the driver
- A listing of the output from the test driver
- A listing of your program
- A listing of your test plan as input to the program
- A listing of the output file