
[New Soln] HSM330 Assignments Week 7: Course Project

Week 7: Course Project


LMA: HS.HSM330.W7CourseProject (202210)
LMA: HS.HSM330.W7CourseProject (202210)
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Utilize relevant information from appropriate sources to understand evolving issues in the healthcare industry (PO2)
PO2: Sustain a working understanding of evolving issues in the healthcare industry
threshold: 9.0 pts
12 pts
Student applies relevant information from appropriate sources to understand at least 4 evolving EHR issues
9 pts
Student applies relevant information from appropriate sources to understand 3 evolving EHR issues
6 pts
Student applies relevant information from appropriate sources to understand 2 evolving EHR issues
3 pts
Student applies relevant information from appropriate sources to understand 1 evolving EHR issue
0 pts
Student does not apply relevant information from appropriate sources to understand evolving EHR issues
12 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Research and select relevant information on issues in the healthcare industry from multiple / varying sources (PO2)
PO2: Sustain a working understanding of evolving issues in the healthcare industry.
threshold: 9.0 pts
12 pts
Students utilize at least 6 adequate references for their project
9 pts
Students utilize 5 adequate references for their project
6 pts
Students utilize 4 adequate references for their project
3 pts
Students utilize 3 adequate reference for their project
0 pts
Students utilize less than 3 appropriate references for their project
12 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Identify evolving issues in the healthcare industry (PO2)
PO2: Sustain a working understanding of evolving issues in the healthcare industry
threshold: 20.0 pts
24 pts
Students address all of the following: • Uses of product • Integration with other info systems • User-friendliness • Benefits • Implementation Process
20 pts
Students address most of the following: • Uses of product • Integration with other info systems • User-friendliness • Benefits • Implementation Process
15 pts
Students address some of the following: • Uses of product • Integration with other info systems • User-friendliness • Benefits • Implementation Process
10 pts
Students minimally address the following: • Uses of product • Integration with other info systems • User-friendliness • Benefits • Implementation Process
0 pts
Students do not adequately address the following: • Uses of product • Integration with other info systems • User-friendliness • Benefits • Implementation Process
24 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Identify business problems in healthcare settings (PO1)
PO1: Analyze, design and implement practical approaches to solve and prevent business problems in healthcare settings.
threshold: 20.0 pts
24 pts
Students present at least 4 characteristics of the EHR product selected
20 pts
Students present 3 characteristics of the EHR product selected
15 pts
Students present 2 characteristics of the EHR product selected
10 pts
Students present 1 characteristic of the EHR product selected
0 pts
Students do not present any characteristics of the EHR product selected
24 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Exhibit professional communication skills (PO5)
PO5: Communicate effectively both orally and in writing
threshold: 14.0 pts
16 pts
Submission is free from errors related to grammar, spelling, and syntax, and is presented in a professional and easy to read format. Paper is in APA format
14 pts
Submission has minor errors related to grammar, spelling, and syntax, and is presented in a professional and easy to read format. Paper is in APA format
12 pts
Submission contains some errors related to grammar, spelling, and syntax that do not negatively impact readability and articulation of the main ideas, and is presented in a professional and easy to read format. Paper is in APA format
10 pts
Submission has significant errors related to grammar, spelling, and syntax that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas. Paper is in APA format
0 pts
Submission has critical errors related to grammar, spelling, and syntax that prevent an understanding of concepts. Paper is in APA format
16 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Differentiate various approaches to solve and/or prevent business problems in healthcare (PO4)
PO4: Apply project management and business analysis principles
threshold: 17.0 pts
20 pts
Students perform a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the EHR product selected
17 pts
Students perform a quality, but not comprehensive, analysis of the EHR product selected
14 pts
Students perform an adequate analysis of the EHR product selected
12 pts
Students perform a limited analysis of the EHR product selected
0 pts
Students do not perform an analysis of EHR product selected
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Demonstrates clear communication through appropriate structure and order of presentation (PO5)
PO5: Communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
threshold: 9.0 pts
12 pts
All of the following expectations are covered in the final paper: 1. Thesis statement clearly identified EHR software to be evaluated. 2. Body of text follows an organized plan to address the main points 3. Content sub-divisions follow outline 4. Conclusion summarizes; complements thesis; contains no new information
9 pts
Most of the following expectations are covered in the final paper: 1. Thesis statement clearly identified EHR software to be evaluated. 2. Body of text follows an organized plan to address the main points 3. Content sub-divisions follow outline 4. Conclusion summarizes; complements thesis; contains no new information
6 pts
Some of the following expectations are covered in the final paper: 1. Thesis statement clearly identified EHR software to be evaluated. 2. Body of text follows an organized plan to address the main points 3. Content sub-divisions follow outline 4. Conclusion summarizes; complements thesis; contains no new information
3 pts
Few of the following expectations are covered in the final paper: 1. Thesis statement clearly identified EHR software to be evaluated. 2. Body of text follows an organized plan to address the main points 3. Content sub-divisions follow outline 4. Conclusion summarizes; complements thesis; contains no new informatio
0 pts
None of the following expectations are covered in the final paper: 1. Thesis statement clearly identified EHR software to be evaluated. 2. Body of text follows an organized plan to address the main points 3. Content sub-divisions follow outline 4. Conclusion summarizes; complements thesis; contains no new information.
12 pts
Total Points: 120

EHR Software

You will be selecting an EHR Software for this Course Project

After you make that selection, you will research your chosen EHR software’s functions and how it works, and critically analyze your findings.

The final product in the form of a formal paper, must address these issues:

  • Name of the product
  • Uses of the product
  • Integration with other information systems
  • User friendliness of data entry and data retrieval
  • Benefits of this particular software over similar types of software
  • The implementation process you would use to implement the EHR
  • Critically analyze your findings 
  • Include your understanding of 4 Evolving EHR issues in our industry

Other Content Suggestions:

  • Terminology
  • Philosophical views of the EHR
  • Advantages
    • Reduction of cost
    • Improved quality of care
    • Promote evidence-based medicine
    • Record keeping and mobility
  • Disadvantages
    • Costs
    • Time
  • Governance, privacy, and legal issues
    • Privacy concerns
    • Legal issues
      • Liability
      • Legal interoperability
    • Regulatory compliance
  • Technical Issues
    • Standards
      • Open specifications
      • Customization
    • Long-term preservation and storage of records
    • Synchronization of records
  • E-health and tele-radiology

Other Guidelines:

  • Papers should be between 7-10 pages long, double spaced using APA format
  • Links to an external site..  The Title Page and Reference page are excluded from the page count.
  • At least six authoritative, outside references are required (anonymous authors or web pages are not acceptable). These should be listed on your Reference page.
  • Appropriate citations are required.
  • All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy.
  • The final paper is due during Week 7 of this course.
  • Any questions about this paper may be discussed in the Live Sessions or email with the Professor. 
  • The project is worth 200 total points and will be graded on quality of research, quality of information, use of citations, as well as Spelling and Grammar.

Week 2

Submit the name of the software you’ve chosen as the course project topic.

Week 3

Submit content outline for the project. The outline will, indicate in detail the plan to address the above criteria, and the primary sources of information you will use.

Feedback on your project outline will be provided by the instructor.

Week 7

Submit completed project by the end of Week 7.

(Due Week 2)
2010Week 2 Topic Due
(Due Week 3)
6030Week 3 outline, table of contents, references
Final Paper
(Due Week 7) 
12060The final product is a paper, prepared as a marketing presentation to a the board of directors in a health care organization as they make a decision on which software product to purchase. The presentation will be graded on: depth of coverage of each topic/issue; organization & flow ; summary of advantages & disadvantages of this particular software product
Total200100A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements

The information gathered and analyzed for this paper will be used as a marketing/sales presentation to the board of directors of a health care organization as they decide on a software product to purchase.

The following are best practices in preparing a paper.

1. Title Page

2. Introduction (include, in the Introduction, the purpose of your Presentation).

3. Content broken down by Major Categories (You may use the content suggestions listed above under “Guidelines”)

4. Summary and Conclusion

5. References

Your paper should be free of Spelling and Grammar errors for full points.   The paper should be organized from beginning to end with attention to flowing from one content topic to another seamlessly.  No additional information should be presented in the Summary and Conclusion that was not already presented in the body of the paper. 










GE Healthcare

Practice Fusion





Advanced Data Systems Corporation









*Many others may also be chosen for the Final Project to include proprietary systems specific to a healthcare organization or system of care.

